Prayer focus of women’s retreat

Upper North Lutheran Women’s Retreat dressed in black for a night at the movies, watching ‘Ladies in Black’. (Supplied)
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The 54th annual Upper North Lutheran Women’s Retreat was again held at Camp Willochra near Melrose, near the dry but stunning scenery of Mount Remarkable in the Flinders Ranges on the weekend of February 28 to March 2.

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About 25 women attended, from Whyalla right around to Gawler, and everywhere in between. The theme of this year’s retreat was ‘Prayer’.

The chaplain, Pastor Malcolm Pech led opening (Friday night) and closing (Sunday afternoon) worship services and three Bible Studies, all based on the theme.

He helped attendees focus on the who they pray to, why they pray, how they pray, what and who do they pray for, when they should pray, using the Lord’s Prayer, and the Lutheran hymn 424 ’Prayer is the soul’s sincere desire’.

Prayer Partners were also formed and this proved caring and beneficial. Studies were interspersed with several sing-a-longs, with songs chosen to reflect the theme.

The capable musicians on the piano and flute did a wonderful job. Pastor Malcolm’s wife Lynette was guest speaker on Sunday morning. She told attendees about her life as a pastor’s wife, a nurse and her experience with the past Lutheran Nurses Association.

An extensive display of books, cards, gifts etc from the Clare Valley Christian Outreach Bookshop kindly presented by Cathy Giersch proved very popular, with quite a few people making purchases.

Saturday afternoon’s free time saw ladies enjoying hand, back massages, relaxing in the on-site pool, chatting or sleeping! Saturday evening, ladies were treated to the movie ‘Ladies in Black’.

Attendees all dressed up in black too! They very much enjoyed the trip to the movies, complete with popcorn and ice cream!

They were ‘banned’ from the kitchen, as this year they had catering provided by Sam, the very capable on-site cook! This gave the ladies more spare time to relax and enjoy the weekend.

Thanks have been extended to the committee and everyone who contributed to a very valuable and enjoyable weekend.

The Retreat committee was ably led by Sandra Wittwer. The new and old committees were blessed by Pastor Malcolm.

The Zone Fellowship Day will be held on Thursday, August 14 in Port Pirie. The next Retreat is from February 27 to March 1 next year.

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